01.愛主更深‧Elizabeth Prentiss and William Howard Doane
More Love to Thee
02.誰能與祢交換‧Wes Sutton
Heart and Soul
04.主耶穌愛我‧Anna Bartlett Warner and William Batchelder Bradbury
Jesus Loves Me
05.耶和華是保護你的神‧Jung Sung-Sil
06.有人在為你禱告‧Lanny Wolfe
Someone is Praying For You
07.我寧願有耶穌‧George Beverly Shea and Rhea F.Miller
I’d Rather Have Jesus
09.我獻上生命‧Claire Cloninger, Don Moen
I Offer My Life
10.「你真肯嗎?」‧Earl Bowman Marlatt and Harry Silverdale Mason
Are Ye Able? Said The Master
11.為合一的禱告‧Jeff Nelson
A Prayer for Unity