The Perfect Read-To-Me Bible Storybook
年幼的小孩子會喜愛色彩繽紛的圖畫和生動活潑的故事。而當教導和愛隨書頁展開的時候,你也會會心微笑。本書的每個故事都 是忠於聖經,是為年幼的心靈而寫的。
Young children will love the colorful pictures and animated, action- filled stories-and you will smile as the lessons and love unfold through the pages. Each story is Biblically accurate, yet joyfully written for young minds and young hearts.
For ages 3-7
給小孩子的話 A Note to the Little People
有個很特別的人把這書送給你。這是一本特別的書,而它是送給一個更特別的人……就是你了。 或許這是你的第一本聖經。這聖經讓你親近上帝,甚至是更親近。為甚麼更親近?因為耶穌説小孩子(即是你)是最接近上帝的天使 當你在聽這些故事的時候,可以做很多有趣的事情。仔細傾聽。你的任務是要確保那個向你説故事的特別的人,與你一起做這些有趣的事情。其後,你們可以一同閉上眼睛,並感謝耶穌與你們在一起。這是小孩子向大人學習的最佳方式。
Someone very special gave you this book. It is a special book, and it was given to someone even more special,and that’s you. This may be your first Bible. The Bible brings you closer to God. Even closer. why even closer?Because Jesus said the angels of the little ones (that’s you) are the closest to God. There are lots of fun things to do when you hear these stories. Listen closely. Your job is to make sure the someone special who reads to you does these fun things with you. After that, you can both close your eyes and thank Jesus for being together. There’s no better way for little people to learn from big people.
給大人的話 A Note to the Big People
The Little Children’s Bible Storybook may be your child’s first introduction to the Bible, God’s word. This is a DO book. Point things out and ask your child to find, seek, say, and discover. Before you read these stories, pray that your child’s little heart would be touched by the love of God. These stories are about planting seeds, having vision, learning right from wrong, and choosing to believe. In this DO book, wave, wink, hop, crawl, or do any of the other things the stories suggest so this can become a fun time of growing closer. Pray together after you read this. There’s no better way for big people to learn from little people.
Jose Perez Montero是一名獲得眾多獎項的插畫師和畫家,曾為超過70本兒童書繪畫插圖。他的風景畫和肖像畫曾在西班牙多項展覽中展出。過去30年,他曾為漫畫、廣告和教科書繪畫插圖。他最為著名的是其兒童書的插圖,已在超過40個國家出版。
About the Illustrator:
Jose Perez Montero is an award-winning illustrator and painter who has illustrated more than seventy children’s books. He started selling his paintings at the age of thirteen, and has studied at the San Fernand andCirculo Schools of Fine Arts in Madrid. His landscape and por trait paintings have hung in numerous exhibitions throughout Spain. During the last thirty years he has drawn illustrations for comics advertising and textbooks, but he is most known for his illustrations of children’s books which have been published in over forty countries. His work was selected or exhibition at the Society of Illustrators’“Illustrator 38” exhibition 1993-1998. He lives in Spain with his wife, two sons and grandchildren
英文作者:Anne de Graaf
Anne de Graaf曾編寫超過80本書,在全球銷售超過四百萬本,並被翻譯成超過40種語言。
About the Author:
Anne de Graaf has written more than eighty books which have sold over 4 million copies worldwide and been translated into more than forty languages. The final book in her Hidden Harvest series of adult novels, Out of the Red Shadow, won the Christy Award 2000 for International Historical Fiction. She is currently writing a series of novels about a woman negotiator and children in places of conflict, The Children’s Voices. Anne de Graaf has also worked as a journalist for the Dutch national press agency, and economics translator for the Dutch government. Born in San Francisco and a graduate of Stanford University, she has lived the past 20 years in Ireland and The Netherlands with her husband and their two children.
在1999年法蘭克福世界書展, Jose Perez Montero和Anne de Graaf同時獲得東歐基督教文學獎。
During the 1999 Frankfurt World Book Fair, both Jose Perez Montero and Anne de Graaf were awarded the East-European Christian Literature Award.
上帝創造世界God Makes the World
第一批人類The First People
挪亞和方舟Noah and the Ark
挪亞和上帝的應許Noah and God's Promise
挪亞和上帝的禮物Noah and God's Gift
巴別塔的開始The Beginning of the Tower of Babel
巴別塔的終結The End of the Tower of Babel
亞伯拉罕跟隨上帝Abraham Follows God.
亞伯拉罕的大家族Abraham's Great Big Family
約瑟和彩衣Joseph and the Colorful Coat
約瑟原諒他的哥哥們Joseph Forgives His Brothers
摩西聽見上帝的呼召Moses Hears the Call of God
摩西帶領上帝的子民Moses Leads God's People
約書亞將軍和應許之地General Joshua and the Promised Land
基甸與羊毛Gideon and the Fleece
大力士參孫Samson the Super Strong
路得必須找個新的家Ruth Must Find a New Home
上帝獎賞路得的忠誠God,Rewards Ruth's Loyalty
上帝揀選大衞God Chooses David
大衞戰勝歌利亞David Fights Goliath
所羅門拯救了一個嬰孩Solomon Saves a Baby
所羅門王的智慧The Wisdom of King Solomon
先知以利亞Elijah the Prophet
約拿試圖逃避上帝Jonah Tries to Run from God
約拿和大魚Jonah,and the Big Fish
囚犯但以理Daniel the prisoner
但以理和獅子Daniel and the Lions
美麗的以斯帖Esther the Beautiful
以斯帖王后拯救了她的同胞Queen Esther Saves Her People
新約The New Testament
馬利亞和約瑟Mary and Joseph
第一個聖誕節The First Christmas
耶穌的神蹟The Miracles of Jesus
磐石西門彼得Simon Peter the Rock
耶穌的故事The Stories of Jesus
小孩子和耶穌Children and Jesus
耶穌在耶路撒冷Jesus in Jerusalem
第一個復活節The First Easter
保羅內心的改變Paul's Change of Heart
上帝應許一個新世界God Promises a New World