If you are facing financial problems, then there are ten steps that you can taketo experience your financial breakthrough. They are based uponthe foundational truths concerning giving and receiving that God has established.They will enable you to take hold of His promises of supernatural provision.
步驟 2 改變你的屬靈焦點
步驟 3 遵行神的施與受計畫
步驟 4 走在與基督堅定的立約中,住在對基督及祂話語的順服中
步驟 5 內心懷著單純的動機向神奉獻
步驟 6 你要在主裡與弟兄姊妹和好
步驟 7 保守你的心
步驟 8 把你最好的獻給神
步驟 9 在聖潔的祭壇上向神奉獻
步驟 10 履行你所發的誓言